Let the speculation begin!!!
The midterm election has FINALLY, thankfully, drawn to a close. And Dems are salivating on the sidelines while their House gains wait to be seated. So, what do YOU think we’ll see happening, short- and long-term?
Will markets continue their generally-happy mood now that the Great Unsure Time Before An Election™ has ended? Markets usually get happy, even if just a short bit, right after elections are concluded. Markets don’t like strife, conflict, and unpredictability. Markets don’t like when their parents fight.
So, the Big Question® is: Will markets take happy pills if and when the Dems inevitably paper the Whitehouse in subpoenas? Will that signal, to markets, that the Great Volatile Time of Trump™ is getting reigned in, which the markets may view as positive?
…OR will markets not care who is being reigned in by whom, and instead freak out anyway, because the Great Unsure Time Before An Election™ is yielding to The Great Unsure Two Years of Dem Trump Investigations and Leadup to Yet Another Damn Election in 2020™?
Time will tell